Thursday, June 16, 2016

A fresh-ish start

Okay, so to be completely honest, I forgot about this blog. School happened and I found that I had less and less to post about. However, it's finally summer, and so I've decided to try to resuscitate my blog with some new updates. For starters, I decided to retake the Myers Briggs personality test only to discover that my personality type is an INTJ (only 2% of the population! I'm a special flower, yay). In my opinion these results were much more accurate than my previous ones, and they reflect the smaller shifts I've had in terms of how I approach the world. On another note, I also took a test that revealed how imbalanced my chakras are, oops. I'm planning on posting more of my own photos, monthly (maybe bi-weekly, if I get bored) favorites, and just some random commentary on whatever I've been up to. Hopefully this will serve as some sort of motivation to go out and do things instead of sitting around on the internet all day. I've been working as an unpaid museum education intern three days a week, which makes me feel productive despite my shrinking wallet (it literally shrunk -- I bought a new, much smaller wallet just yesterday!). As I head into the final year of my undergrad college career, I've been forced to begin thinking about where I want to end up post-graduation next May. This still seems pretty far off into the future to me, so I plan on holding off the stressful, scary thoughts until they hit me a bit harder in the face. Today, I'll just focus on now.

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